27 Februari 2011

SS501 - Because I'm Stupid [Full MV with Eng-Sub & Lyric] Boys Before Fl...

SS501 -Because I'm Stupid (translate)

I’m really, very foolish
I know of no one other than you
you’re looking at someone else
yet you have no idea of my feelings like this

I won’t be in your days
I won’t be in the memories either, however
only you, I looked only at you
and the tears keep coming

As i watch you walking past, I’m still happy
even yet you still don’t know my heart
I should stop this and go

I really want to see the day
I’m withstanding the pain each day
“I love you” is playing on my lips
Alone once again, crying for you
alone once again, missing for you
Baby, I love you, I’m wiating for you

I won’t be in your days
I won’t be remembered either, however
only you, I looked only at you
I’m making memories alone

Loving you is like having a beautiful wound
I look at your pretty smile also
but I cannot laugh with you

I’m thinking about you so much everyday
my heart is hurting in all these sad days
‘I want to see you’ is playing on my lips
alone once again, crying for you
alone once again, missing for you
Baby, i’m waiting for you, I love you

bye bye, never say goodbye
even though I cannot hold you like this
I need you, I cannot say anything more, I want you
I keep on hoping too, I’ll keep hoping….

I really want to see the day
I’m withstanding the pain each day
“I love you” is playing on my lips
Alone once again, crying for you

I’m thinking about you so much everyday
my heart is hurting in all these sad days
‘I want to see you’ is playing on my lips
alone once again, crying for you
alone once again, missing for you
Baby, i’m waiting for you, I love you

Howl - Love U MV (Boys Over Flowers OST2)

Love U
by Howl
(OST/Theme Song of 'Boys Over Flowers')


ohhh... ohhh...

I smell a familiar fragrance in the air
The breeze that blew around you now blows across to me, oooh
In my heart, maybe it was the light you made shine upon me
That light shields me from hurtful sorrows

Love you.... thinking of you now, I close my eyes again

I love you. If I could fill your two eyes
I love you. If I could show you my smiles
I could give you all the bright stars in the sky oooh
I love you. If I could show you my love
I love you. If you could teach me you heart
Id follow whatever you do

Love you, Love you, Love you

Im walking right behind you beneath the moonlight
Look at me a little more closely
Should I ask the clouds to let the rain fall for you once again
So I could hold on to your wet heart

Love you.... thinking of you now, I close my eyes again

I love you. If I could fill your two eyes
I love you. If I could show you my smiles
I could give you all the bright stars in the sky oooh
I love you. If I could show you my love
I love you. If you could teach me you heart
Id follow whatever you do

Love you, Love you, Love you
Only you

OST Gemilang

Lirik Lagu Gemilang (OST Gemilang)- Adi

Suatu ketika
Kita pernah tertawa
Suatu ketika
Kita pernah berduka
Memori lalu
Tersemat di hatiku
Buat azimat perjalananmu

Untuk tatapan anak bangsa
Ku titipkan satu cerita
Jadi pedoman untuk semua
Takkan mengalah sebelum melangkah

Impian menjadi haluan cita
Rintangaannn membakar azam di jiwa
Dan cinta bukan hanya kata-kata
Harapan semua anak merdeka

walau seribu halangan melanda
kita harungi tanpa lelah terasa
walau seribu halangan melanda
simpulkan didada terus membara

24 Februari 2011

I Can't Believe It!!

Muhammad Syazwan B. Arias......
U look so handsome today...
Aq hampir2 xkenal ko tadi...
Begitu jugak dgn kwan2 aq...
Aq hampir2 tergoda dgn kekacakan ko hari ini... (Opss..terlebih sudah) ^^
Klulah ko dapt kekalkan gaya ko n senyuman ko ari in...
Gerinti ade awek2 kat sek tu suka kat ko...
But Not TO ME!!
Aq kasi ko 6 setengah bintang /10..
Tingkatkan usaha anda lagi.. (banyak betol comment) ^^
I believe u can do it..!! c(=

19 Februari 2011

What is Wrong With You All??!

Ah..!! benci betol lah bila owg kaitkan aq dgn dak2 lelaki kat sek aq..!!
Aq dgn diaowg bukan de apew2..
Kitaowg just kawan shaja.. 
Tapi npew diaowg ckp yg aq ini mcm de pew2 dgn budak tu??
Pelik lah aq dgn diaowg ini..!! suka nk wat aq marah..!!
Nak ajew aq lari kan diri daripada masalah in..!!
Dah banyak kali aq ckp kat diaowg yg aq xde apew2 dgn dak tu..tapi smuenyer sia2..
Siap lagi aq suruh dak laki tu pindah tempat duduk supaya dia x duduk berdekatan dgn aq..
Bukan apew..cuma bila aq dkat dgn dia, aq n dia x abis2 nk bergado..
Aq in bukan jenis yg suka gado dgn laki..
Walaupow aq in de sikit perangai mcm kelelakian.. ( just kidding)
Tapi bila dia xde nnty mesty aq sunyi...x dpt lah aq nk b'gurau2 dgn dia..
Tapi aq betol2 xnk diaowg ckp mcm tu..
Nnty aq xnk diaowg ingt aq in perampas..
Sebenarnyer aq thu de budak 1 klz dgn aq suka kat dak laki tu..
Tapi aq nk wat mcm mne.. dak laki tu slalu sgt kacau aq.. aq nk fokus mse belajar pow x boley..
Susah betol bila dpt kwn mcm in.. 
Aq teringt lagi bila kwn2 klz aq yg lain ckp yg aq n dak laki tu PASANGAN YG SERASI..
Serasi PALE OTAK diaowg.. aq dgn dak tu asyik2 gado, boley diowg ckp serasi.. 
Aq rse diaowg in de mslah mental..
Tapi aq rse mcm gurauan aq n dak laki tu mcm dh terlebih lah..
Aq ingt lagi mse letak kerja kursus ERT aq kat atas meja..
Dia siap perli aq " skirt in ko jahit k? buruk! ko mmg XLAYAK JD ISTERI AQ..!" 
Aq rse mcm nk belasah ajew dia tu.. penat2 aq siapkan projek tu..boley dia ckp mcm tu...
Wat aq HOT ajew..!! aq pow xnk jadi ISTERI ko lah..!! x teringin langsong..!!
Tapi sbenarnyer skirt tu aq antar kedai ajew.. biasalah aq in bukan reti menjahit sgt.. HAHA!!
Napew lah dgn dak laki tu.. selalu sgt wat aq mrah.. 
Sbenarnyer aq x suka nk mrh2..nnty cepat tua lorh..!!
Sbb gurauan aq t'lalu melampau, terpukul ko wlaupow sngaja n percakapan aq terlalu kasar..
Xde niat aq nk guriskan ati ko just aq nk ati aq rse happy shje.. 

I Remember Him =.="

tiba2 pulak aq teringt kat dia..
maybe skrg ini dia tgh busy dgn study n jmpe kwn2 baru kat MRSM..
biarlah kawan aq tu..
aq akan sentiasa doakan utk kerjayaan dia..
aq ingt lagi 05/12/2010..
Ini lah present yg aq kasi kat dia..
walaupow present yg aq kasi tu x lah seberape..
tapi aq harap dia hargai present yg aku kasi kat dia..
itu lah lambang persahabatan aq dgn dia..

14 Februari 2011

Tido di Sek utk Kawad Kawalan Kehormatan PIBG

13/02/11( jumaat)
smue dak2 kadet polis jadi gler apabila t'pakse bermalam di sek..
xsngke smue dak2 kadet polis GLER KAMERA..
Kawad Kawalan Kehormatan berjalan dgn lancarnyer..
smue dak2 perempuan smangat dah siap awal pagi yg indah itu..
x mcm dak2 laki..hampeh..!!
tulah tido lambat lagi..!! bangun pow lambat..!!
aq mrh kat kowg ini..!! hahaha!! ^^

05 Februari 2011

School Holiday at Melaka ^^

kegilaan melampau apabila balik kmpg kat MELAKA!!
best gler balik kmpg..
balik kmpg pun sbb de kenduri...erm...
tapi percutian kt sne mmg best..!!
mlm kedua siap lagi wat BBQ..!!
rmai gler saudara-mara aq dtg utk meriah kan majlis..
xsngke pulak aq yg aq de rmai saudara..=.="
mknan yg pling sedap kat kmpg ialah..!!
aq mkn smpai mejilat jari kaki..!! hahaha!! ^^
ermmmm...sedih gler bile time nk balik KL...
xthu ble nk balik kmpg lagi..!! =((
blah dulu lah..!!
keje sekolah aq lom siap lagi...!!
xpasal2 ari isnin ni kne dende dgn cikgu pulak..
okey..tata smue.. ^^

01 Februari 2011

Jalan2 Makan Angin di Bukit Jugra ^^

Inilah gelagat aq n kakak aq di Bukit Jugra!!
aq mcm owg gler!!
xpyh kowg ckp aq mmg tahu ^^
apew2 pow mmg best pi kat sne!!
rugi kowg xdpt pi sekali
lupe aq nk ajak kawan aq!!
klu BAITI dpt pi kat sni mesty dia suka..!! ^^
apew pow terima kasih kat juru gambar jgk sbb layan perangai gler aq ini ^^

School Holiday ^^

 Ini lah keje aq klau dah bosan dok kat uma..!!
tngkap gmbr smpai x ingat dunia..!!
biasalah aq ini kan ' GLER KAMERA '!!
hehe.. jgn jelez.. ^^